Osho DEVAVANI Meditation

Devavani is the "divine voice" which moves and speaks through the meditator, who becomes an empty vessel, a channel. This meditation is a Latihan of the tongue. It relaxes the conscious mind so deeply that, when done last thing at night, it is sure to be followed by a profound sleep.

There are four stages of 15 minutes each. Keep your eyes closed throughout.


First stage: 15 minutes

Sit quietly, while the music is playing.


Second stage: 15 minutes

Start making nonsense sounds, for example "la...la...la," and continue until unfamiliar word-like sounds arise. These sounds need to come from the unfamiliar part of the brain used as a child, before words were learned. Allow a gentle conversational intonation; do not cry or shout, laugh or scream.


Third stage: 15 minutes

Stand up and continue to speak, allowing your body to move softly in harmony with the sounds. If your body is relaxed, the subtle energies will create a Latihan outside your control.


Fourth stage: 15 minutes

Lie down. Be silent and still.