The names Used in Sannyas |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Raaj Raaji Raasti Rabiya Rachana Raddhi Radha Radhika Radho Rafeeka Rafia Rafik Rag Raga Raghu Raghuraj Raghvendra Ragi Ragini Ragyi Raham Rahaskama Rahasya Rahasyarthi Rahasyo Rahi Rahim Rahima Rahimo Rahman Rahmat Rahul Raidas Raja Rajaka Rajan Rajani Rajanya Rajaram Raje Rajen Rajhansa Raji Rajita Rajiv Rajiva Rajneesh Rajni Rajnikant Rajnikar Rajo Rajpal Rajrajeshwar Rajrani Rajrishi Rajya Rajyo Rajyogi Rakendra Rakkas Rakkasa Rakshit Ram Ramabhajan Ramachandra Ramadatta Ramaka Ramakant Ramakanta Ramakavya Ramakrishna Ramana Ramanand Ramananda Ramanatha Ramaprem Ramarao Ramarishi Ramateertha Rambanu Ramdas Ramdhan Ramir Ramita Ramo Ramoda Rampal Ramteerth Ramya Ramyata Rana Ranajay Ranbir Randhir Rang Rangeeli Rangeeni Rangreli Rani Ranjan Ranjana Ranjit Ranjita Rantu Ranvijay Ranvir Ranvita Raquiba Rasa Rasada Rasal Rasamani Rasamaya Rasanand Rasata Rasen Rasendra Rashid Rashida Rashido Rashke Rashmi Rashna Rashnu Rasika Rasiko Rasila Rasili Rasmaya Rasnu Raso Rasul Rasvant Ratan Ratna Ratnakar Ratnanath Ratnesh Ratni Ratri Raunak Ravidas Ravikanta Ravikiran Rekha Renu Renuka Reva Revati Ria Richa Riddhi Riju Rijuta Rikta Riktam Rikto Rishi Rishika Rishiraj Rita Ritam Ritama Ritambhara Riten Ritik Ritika Ritu Rituraj Riyaz Robab Rochan Rochana Rochira Rodabeh Rohani Rohi Rohit Rohita Rokshar Roohani Rosa Roshan Roshani Roshni Roxana Rubai Rucha Ruchi Ruchir Ruchira Ruchita Ruchya Rudra Ruho Ruhshad Rukh Rukma Rukma Rukmabha Rukmani Rupa Rupal Rupam Rupamati Rupantar Rupatama Rupateet Rupen Rupena Rupesh Rupya Rushad Ruzbeh
| Royal Happy / Fulfilled Truthfulness Name of a women sufi Mystic Creativity Perfection The river moving towards the origin Beloved Bestowal of Gifts Friend God Friend Melody Melody Light another name of hindu god Rama another name of hindu god Rama In Love Within Melody Queen Compassion Fond of Solitude Mystery The Seeker of the Mystery Mystery Traveller Compassionate / Merciful Compassionate Compassionate compassionate Compassion Name of Gautam Buddha's son; Hindrance Mystic King Splendid / Illuminating King Queen / Princess / Night Kingly / Princely / Royal Rama is the only King! Queen King Royal Swan Saying Yes / Willing Illuminated / Brilliant / Radiant Lotus Lotus Lord of the Night Moon Beloved of Moon Moon Secret Protector of Kingdom King of kings Queen Royal mystic poet Kingdom Kingdom Royal Path of Love Full Moon Dancer Dancer Protected; Guarded God / Joy / Peace Remembrance of Rama the Ultimate Reality another name of hindu god Rama Bestowed by Rama Delighting A God Beloved of Existence Poetry of Existence Ram and Krishna both together Beautiful Woman Bliss of Being with Existence Bliss of Being with Existence Lord of Fortune Love for God Lord Rama / King Rama Divine Seer Ultimate reality is the Sacred Place Joyous Lady Surrendered to God Rama is the Wealth Joyful / Satisfied Delighted / Happy / Pleasurable Rejoicing Divine Gift Rama, the Ultimate reality, is the Protector Ultimate reality is the Sacred Place Beauty / Splendor Beauty Delight / Joy Victorious one / Brave one Unwavering Color / Celebration Colorful Ecstasy Joyous Play / Delight Queen Happy Delightful / Rejoicing Shining Shining Way / River Victory / Victory in Battle Brave one Joyous Witness Juice of Life Juice Full of Juice Mysterious Gem Delightful / Charming Bliss of Juice Juiciness / Elegance / Beauty Juice God of the divine juice Inerring Quality Unerring Quality Unerring one Shining Beauty Ray of Light Rectitude Truth Juicy Juicy Juicy Juicy Delightful / Charming Ecstatic Juice a prophet; a messenger of god Juicy Precious Gem Precious Gem Ocean / Treasure Lord of Gems Lord of Gems Precious Gem Night Brilliance, Shine Servant of the Sun Sunbeam Sunbeam Line Atom / Small Particle Godliness Name of river Narmada Light Personified Origin of a River Poetry born out of the heart of a Buddha Abundance / Good Fortune Sincere Sincerity / Honesty Empty Emptiness Emptiness Poets of consciousness / a mystic poet Poets of consciousness Royal poets of consciousness Utterly empty Ultimate law Utterly empty Innermost consistency of the whole The Law of the Universe / Empty The Law of the Universe / Empty Moving / Flowing / Stream / River The Season Season of spring Regular Practice Musical Instrument Pleasing / Attractive Splendid / Beautiful Aura / Glow Stream of Water Soulful Friend Rainbow / Saffron Rainbow Bright Face Of the Sole / of the Spirit Giver of Love Shining Light Luster / Splendor / Attractive Flashing Song Light / Luster / Splendor Splendor / Attractive Beautiful / Charming Beautiful / Charming Brilliant / Beautiful / Splendid Bright / Radiant / Beautiful Creatively Destructive / a name of Shiva Spirit / Soul Joyous Soul Turning Towards Gold Gold / Brilliant / Radiant Bright as the Purest Gold Wife of Krishana Beautiful Silvery Beauty Beauty Beauty Transformation Most Beautiful Formless Beauty Beauty Extremely Beautiful Beautiful Happy Faced Good Day
| Male Female Male Female Female Male Female Female Both Both Female Male Both Male Male Male Male Both Female Male Male Male Both Male Male Both Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Both Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Both Male Male Both Male Female Male Both Both Male Both Female Male Female Both Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Both Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Both Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Both Male Male Male Both Male Male Female Female Male Male Both Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Female Both Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Female Both Both Male Female Male Female Both Female Female Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Both Male Female Female Male Male Male Female Male Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Female Male Female Both Male Female Male Female Male Male